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Ghost in the Machine

Submitted by Loobinex
Category Map
Rating 4.88 / 5 8 ratings
Difficulty 3.11 / 5 9 ratings
Original creation date 2019-02-05
Submission date 2023-06-01
Last updated 2023-06-10
Min. game version KeeperFX 0.4.9 Build 2762
Filesize 57.85KiB
Downloads 51
File Filesize Downloads Date 57.85KiB 51 2023-06-01

Wizards are hiding behind their wall of rock and are sending ever growing groups of barbarians to kill you and your untrained creatures. Luckily the dark gods will transport your ghosts to fight them, but they require sacrifice.

  • Creature Pool: Dragon, Sorceror, Tentacle
  • Objects: Creatures: 56, Traps: 12, Doors: 17, Items: 179, Dungeon hearts: 2, Hero gates: 6, Special Boxes: 9
Installation Intructions

Read the Playing Custom Maps documentation page for information on how to play this map.


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5l.ppY5t0at 🇩🇪 • Edited

|| I did the level quite fast with 3 attacks:

  • early beginning with 6 ghost (5 from graveyard area)
  • 10 ghosts, all level 1
  • finally 8 ghosts, all level 1

There were like 2 wizards. 1 level 1 and the other 5 or 6. ||

The mechanichs of the map can be a bit difficult to understand at first, but after a few tries they reveal a rather unique and very enjoyable gameplay. Difficulty is average, assuming you figure how to level up your creatures. But you will still need to pay great attention not to lose creatures or imps. Interstingly, the map can also be beaten without hardly ever leveling up anything, but then you are in for a much bigger challenge! No matter how you decide to play it, the map is brillantly designed, and you should try it. Solid 5 stars.


This map has great scripting. Available creatures and buildings are limited yet I always felt very busy. Knowing training mechanics without a training room is a must for this map. The ghost mechanic is great idea absolutelly loved it. As far as Loobinex maps goes, this one seemed the easiest of them but a lot of fun.

chris_96449 🇩🇪 • Edited

Tonight I was brave enough to try out another Loobinex-map expeting to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown once more.

I was quite surprised that I managed quite well and were able to beat this map on my first attempt. Knowing that Loobinex' maps aren't usually very wall-in-friendly, I decided to be brave enough and expanded on a regular basis. Also I am kind of proud of myself that I was able to remember how to train my creatures without a training room ;-).

I like this map and would even go this far to say that it has earned a place in one of my favourite maps. I loved the plot with the ghosts - a creature which I usually don't give much credit to. I enjoyed the creature pool that was available, the fact that there is no training room and also the aspect of having a constant level of fun throughout the game. I really liked the design of the entrance. Reminded me a bit of "Stonehenge" - haha. There was no single point at which I felt there was redundancy or aspects that made the map overly long (e.g. maze-like labrinths with lots of traps). I just felt so fresh and exciting.

Still, I have a question:

I didn't manage to claim tiles in the eastern section of the map due to the fact that there was an unclaimable ground at which my imps could walk at but there were no tiles to claim. Thus, the section of the library in the south east with the magic box was out of my reach. Same with the area the gems are located at. Could you tell me how to get there ;-)?

Awesome map. I am so happy!

Loobinex Submitter Admin

Glad you enjoyed it.

On how to get to the east side, you go there without claiming it, to get the ghosts fully powered up. If you kill the defenders, you can also mine the gems from a distance. After you kill the enemy keeper you can finally claim the east, but by then it's too late to matter of course. Still wanted to give it to the player as a sense of completion.

Also glad you are having an easier time by now on these maps.