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KeeperFX 1.2.0
Download latest alpha patch

Full Releases

These are the downloads for KeeperFX containing all of the required files. When you start the launcher for the first time you will have to point to an existing Dungeon Keeper installation. It's very easy to get started but be sure to follow the installation instructions as there is no automatic installer.

Currently only Windows is supported, but Linux and Mac users can use Wine . If your computer can not open the archive directly, we recommend using 7zip to extract the files.

Please note:

  • Updating KeeperFX will often break your saves. If you don't want to lose progress, it's suggested to complete your games before updating.
  • You will have to remove your old version before installing a new one. Alternatively you can install it in a separate folder.
  • Name Size Date News Post Commits
    KeeperFX 1.2.0 (latest) 375.24MiB 2024-10-21 View Commits (202)
    KeeperFX 1.1.0 375.06MiB 2024-05-10 View Commits (390)
    KeeperFX 1.0.0 364.08MiB 2023-11-10 View Commits (485)
    Browse all stable builds...
    Full releases are automatically pulled from the GitHub releases page.

    Alpha Patches

    Alpha patches are work-in-progress builds that are shared with the community to test the latest features and fixes. It's important to note that these versions might have new bugs that could break the game.

    These builds are provided as patches which should be extracted over the files of the latest full release. All patches contain the earlier patches as well.

    If you are using these builds, we would love to hear your feedback. The best way to get in contact with the developers is on the Keeper Klan Discord channel . You can also report an issue on Github if you run into any trouble.

    Please note:

  • Updating KeeperFX will often break your saves. If you don't want to lose progress, it's suggested to complete your games before updating.
  • Alpha patches contain the _keeperfx.cfg file which might contain new settings. It's recommended to compare this file to your original keeperfx.cfg and copy over any new settings.
  • Name Size Date (GMT) Title
    keeperfx-1_2_0_4417_Alpha-patch 21.42MiB 2025-03-25, 11:39 Creatures attack destructible traps from a distance (#3931)
    keeperfx-1_2_0_4416_Alpha-patch 21.41MiB 2025-03-24, 22:00 Got rid of counts for creature states (#3936)
    keeperfx-1_2_0_4415_Alpha-patch 21.41MiB 2025-03-24, 20:28 Enemies withour ranged attack ignore each other if they cannot reach …
    keeperfx-1_2_0_4414_Alpha-patch 21.41MiB 2025-03-23, 22:41 Rebound is used again against melee creatures
    keeperfx-1_2_0_4413_Alpha-patch 21.41MiB 2025-03-23, 22:33 Unsummon shows correct puff color
    Browse all alpha patches...
    Alpha patches are automatically pulled from the GitHub Alpha build workflow page.