KeeperFX 1.2.0 Released


The night is dark and full of terrors. One of them being a new version of the best mod of the entire website: KeeperFX 1.2.0

When installing KeeperFX, do not overwrite any previous versions. Saved games cannot be migrated. There is a wiki that has all the information you will ever need, but the more popular option is asking the friendly people of our discord server.

What’s new in KeeperFX 1.2.0:

  • Multiple different hero (roaming) players on a map
  • Up to 1000 units per map
  • Legacy rule set matches original game better
  • Midas Door
  • Different notifications for paydays, alarm traps and heart being attacked
  • Moon level appears when it actually is a full moon
  • Removed 'counts' from several config files
  • Many new possibilities for mapmakers to make more advanced maps
  • And much, much more.

For the full change list see here.

- KeeperFX Team