
Pressing the Return key opens the chat console in KeeperFX. In multiplayer, it can be used to chat, but it also accepts commands. Many commands require 'cheat mode' to be enabled for them to function.

When you're entering a command, precede it with an exclamation point. So, type !quit to exit the game.


command parameters function
actionpoint.pos [num] Shows the position of the specified Action Point
actionpoint.zoomto [num] Zooms to the specified Action Point
actionpoint.reset [num] Resets the specified Action Point
bug.toggle [name] Toggles the specified bug
cls Clears console messages
comp.checks PLAYER# Activates a menu where you can enable/disable active checks for the mentioned player PLAYER# Activates a menu where you can trigger events for the mentioned player
comp.kill # Destroy the Dungeon Hearth for the mentioned player # Configures the computer player for the player to the number used as the parameter
comp.procs PLAYER# Activates a menu where you can enable/disable active processes for the mentioned player
compuchat scarce/frequent/none Set compuchat to scarce/frequent/off. Also 0/1/2
conceal # Conceals the map. Optional param to be subtile range from cursor instead
create.creature [creature] [level] [amount]* [owner]* Spawns a creature [amount] Spawns gold
create.object [name] Spawns an object with the specified name from objects.cfg
create.thing [class#] [model#] Takes 2 numbers to spawn whatever
creature.addhealth [quantity] Adds the specified quantity of health to the selected creature
creature.attackheart [player number] Directs the selected creature to attack the specified player's heart
creature.instance.set [instance number] Makes the creature do the specified instance, no matter what
creature.job.set [job number] Directs the selected creature to do the specified job
creature.pool.add [model name or number] [number] Adds to the Creature Pool
creature.pool.sub [model name or number] [number] Subtracts from the Creature Pool
creature.level [level number] Sets the experience level of the selected creature
creature.freeze Casts Freeze on the selected creature
creature.slow Casts Slow on the selected creature
creature.state.set [state number] Sets the selected creature's state
creature.subhealth [quantity] Subtracts the specified quantity of health from the selected creature
cursor.pos Shows the subtile position of the cursor
digger.sendto [player number] Sends the selected creature, if a digger for its owner, to the specified player
fps # Displays the framerate, or sets it to the specified value
frametime Displays how long the game needs to draw one frame. Can be used to visualize slowdowns
frametime.max Same as frametime, but shows the max value over the past second, to more easily detect temporary slowdowns
herogate.zoomto [num] Zooms to the specified Action Point
game.load [saveslot][#] Loads a save slot, starting at 0. Second number to 1 loads it paused [saveslot][#] [name]* Saves the game, use '0' as a save slot to get first save. More save slots available
give.door # Gives you one door to place, type number #. So 1 is WOOD, from trapdoor.cfg
give.trap # Gives you one trap to place, type number #. So 1 is BOULDER, from trapdoor.cfg
look [location] Moves the camera to room, creature or script location
magic.instance [creature] [slot] [instance] Gives a creature a spell in a specific slot. Or some other slot
map.pool [creature]
Displays how many creatures of that model name are in the pool
Sets how many creatures of that model name are in the pool [stl_x] [stl_y] Shows some info about Subtile. Cursor coordinates are used as default
music.set [track number] Switches the music track to the one specified
pause Pauses the game
place.slab [name] Spawns a slab with the name from terrain.cfg
player.addgold [player number] [quantity] Adds specified quantity of offmap gold to the specified player
player.colour [player number] [colour] Changes the colour of the specified player [player number] [quantity]* Sets the health of the heart of the specified player, or displays it if no health is specified
player.score PLAYER# Displays the score of the mentioned player
player.flag PLAYER# [#] [value]* Displays or sets the value of script flag # of the mentioned player
power.give [name or number] Gives you the specified power. 'All' can be used to give you all powers at once.
quit Exit the game
room.available [roomname] Makes the room available to build. Accepts 'All' to make all rooms available
room.get [room_id]* Select room # so it could be affected by other commands. Gets room at cursor if no ID is specified [amount]* Sets the health of the selected room, or displays it if no health is specified [amount]* Sets the health of the slab at the cursor, or displays it if no health is specified
sound.test # Play any sound from the game 1 - 1034
speech.test # Play any speech from the game 1 - 125, Messages can be found here
reveal # Displays the map. Optional param to be subtile range from cursor instead [slab number or name] [player number]* Places the specified slab at the cursor. If no player is specified, its owner is the owner is the current owner of the slab.
stats Shows playtime and FPS
thing.destroy Destroys the selected thing
thing.get [thing_id]* Select thing # so it could be affected by other commands. Without ID grabs thing at mouse cursor [quantity]* Sets the quantity of health the selected thing has, or displays it if no quantity is specified Print some info about selected thing
thing.move [stl_x] [stl_y] [stl_z] Move selected thing to position, or when left empty to current location of a cursor
time Shows current playtime
timer.toggle Sets game turn to be displayed on "bonus timer" - on-screen time field
thing.show_id [yesno]
timer.switch Switch the on-screen time field to real time/game turn
turn Shows current game turn
volume Displays current volume values
volume.sound # Set sound volume values # Set music volume values
ver Shows game version number
zoomto [stl_x] [stl_y] Zooms to the specified co-ordinates