Create your own maps and campaigns for KeeperFX and DK1 with Unearth.

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Coppermelt Cave

Submitted by DamoDurryKing
Category Map
Rating 4 / 5 1 rating
Difficulty 2 / 5 1 rating
Submission date 2025-01-16
Min. game version Latest KeeperFX alpha patch
Filesize 72.32KiB
Downloads 2
This workshop item uses unreleased KeeperFX functionality and requires the latest alpha patch to work correctly.
File Filesize Downloads Date 72.32KiB 2 2025-01-16

Rebuild of another level called Brassmelt Cave. Initially thrown together rather quickly,, I then spent -way-too-long- tweaking down the difficulty to something more widely palatable. Should be overall pretty easy now, but expect gold restraints on Hard.

Still not 100% happy on how it turned out as once the players snowball gets going, you can really just smash through the endgame section at warp speed. That's the nature of the game though, and I'm ready to move on to another project.

Tested and released on Alpha 4330.


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