Create your own maps and campaigns for KeeperFX and DK1 with Unearth.

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Dragon Shrine

Submitted by aqualakitu
Category Map
Rating 4.55 / 5 9 ratings
Difficulty 2.44 / 5 9 ratings
Submission date 2024-04-20
Last updated 2024-04-20
Min. game version KeeperFX 1.1.0
Filesize 4.45MiB
Downloads 79
File Filesize Downloads Date
Dragon 4.45MiB 78 2024-04-20

This level is also included in my campaign. This standalone version is roughly the same as the included one with only some minor differences.

A singleplayer map with moderate difficulty, designed for players familiar with the game, but not exceedingly hard.

Features a player versus heroes level, where careful use of your resources and exploration are key. There is no portal, but a good amount of creatures to find by looking around.

Some custom music is included, otherwise it's mostly vanilla. Feedback of any kind is appreciated!

Installation Intructions

Unzip contents into your levels folder, so that the level files are in the levels/standard folder, and levels/standard_media contains the music. Then simple play from the Standard levels selection.

Note regarding the music: This map should work on older versions too, but to get the custom music, please either get the newest alpha 3192 and overwrite the standard.cfg config file for standard levels, or add the following line to it manually: MEDIA_LOCATION = levels/standard_media


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ben_lp 🇩🇪

Hello aqua i just saw that you left and it is very sad, if i would have said anything to make you mad than it wasn't intended -.- i hope i was not a part that you left and i hope that you come back soon. Sorry ! HM said also you should come back -.-

aqualakitu 🇩🇪 Submitter

At the moment I'm pretty tired of the drama in the server and the frequency of controversial discussions. That's not what I want to do with my free time. I'm not gonna be gone entirely, I'll still be making stuff on the side occasionally. Don't know if or when I'll come back to the server though. Right now I'm just gonna take a break.

Oh, so that's why you left. I only ever check the mapmaking chan and, well, the one for your campaign so I had no idea there was any drama.

That being said, about the map: I only ever played the campaign version that might be the same or not. It's a cool level, but the player has to act fast and focus. Exploring is key, but taking too much time exploring or spreading your attention might be problematic. Like me, going both ways to attack the final fort at the same time.


aqualakitu 🇩🇪 Submitter

There's a possibility I'll rejoin sometime, but at the moment I'm taking a break either way.

And thanks! The campaign version isn't very different from this one. It's probably one of the levels I'm the happiest with overall, in terms of balancing and not having an entrance being more of a unique angle. Partially I made it for a friend who always played very passive, to promote a more exploratory playstyle, and getting used to multitasking without it being too punishing.

Krizzie 🇳🇱

Fun map to play, not too hard but not to easy either!

Maybe there could be a little more hero drops when digging into new areas? Also there wasn't much threat at the end, with a couple of mistresses the heroes around the hearth were not much of a threat.

aqualakitu 🇩🇪 Submitter

Thanks, glad to hear the difficulty was balanced! Yeah, I think the party around the heart probably could've been a bit stronger, it's a bit tricky to get that right along with the time limit. As for heroes when tunnelling, I wanted to avoid putting too many roadblocks since so many creatures are locked behind looking around. But I'll probably make a more challenging map in the future!

Great map! Was slightly stressed as I usually play defensive and needed to play rather aggressive in order to complete the level. It was a great change to play as blue so thank you for including something other than red! Nice job! :D

aqualakitu 🇩🇪 Submitter

Thanks! I thought that'd be fun for variety, since otherwise you never get to do it. And yeah, that was the key point, a map that doesn't let you turtle, but doesn't feel too punishing.

Alright just beat it! First try too, it started really tame but towards the end I did end up struggling and just rushing the heart. Because of that I didn't explore the top right of the map much. But did dig through pretty much the entire rest of it. The exploration aspect is great, I was actually very happy to find new creatures. Getting the fairies to level 4 was a big boost in power... Having unique music is actually very refreshing, I like that. It's from Metroid isn't it? Can't really think of anything negative to say. Great map! :D