Create your own maps and campaigns for KeeperFX and DK1 with Unearth.

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Lost Levels 2

Submitted by AdamPlenty
Category Map Pack
Rating 4.5 / 5 2 ratings
Difficulty 2 / 5 2 ratings
Submission date 2024-04-12
Last updated 2024-04-13
Min. game version KeeperFX 1.1.0
Filesize 212.03KiB
Downloads 171
File Filesize Downloads Date 212.03KiB 152 2024-04-13 212.03KiB 19 2024-04-12

Reconstructions of the levels whose leftovers were buried in the original game in subtile format and converted to slab format by Wirlaburla. These leftovers consisted of just the level layouts; there was no ownership, rooms (though in some cases, it was possible to guess with reasonable confidence which room was in a place), things, script, etc, so there wasn't much to go on. In fact, apart from the layouts, this is mostly original content.

I reused/adapted old strings found in the scripts of later versions of the levels, except Skybird Trill; as the strings didn't fit the level, I had to come up with my own.

Only the levels that are different to the point of being unrecognisable are included in this pack.

Installation Intructions

Simply extract the contents into the KeeperFX levels directory.


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ben_lp 🇩🇪

Skybird trill is pretty cool and challenging. in Tulipscent the wall trick makes it too easy and cheesy. in woodly rhyme you can easily block off the portal from blue and yellow and green are fighting already so it's pretty easy as well. the other 2 maps are Intro maps which are not really fun to play imo because it's Intro levels. but good to have them for the nostalgia.

Ok to add to the existing lost levels folder?

AdamPlenty 🇬🇧 Submitter • Edited

No, because this pack has its own strings, so putting it into the Lost Levels pack may cause those levels to display the wrong strings.

Edit: Actually, would it be an issue, seeing as the Lost Levels uses quick strings, I believe? Still, it could cause problems should one decide to put them into a dat file (for example, to translate them).

so is it a problem or not?

AdamPlenty 🇬🇧 Submitter

Most likely.

Would be cool to see map previews

AdamPlenty 🇬🇧 Submitter
