Create your own maps and campaigns for KeeperFX and DK1 with Unearth.

You can find it here.

Hearth (long version)

Submitted by AdamPlenty
Category Map
Rating 4.25 / 5 4 ratings
Difficulty 3 / 5 5 ratings
Submission date 2024-09-03
Min. game version Latest KeeperFX alpha patch
Filesize 27.69KiB
Downloads 19
This workshop item uses unreleased KeeperFX functionality and requires the latest alpha patch to work correctly.
File Filesize Downloads Date 27.69KiB 19 2024-09-03

An extended version of Hearth (by Bullfrog Productions). I always thought it ended just when it was getting interesting...


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Krizzie 🇳🇱

The Ninja waves could be made a little less repetitive.. Otherwise it was a fun map.

cy40k 🇦🇷

Nice level. Much better then original one. Im tired to clicking for picking 8 creatures and then drop them. Any hotkeys to pick and drop creatures? And is there any chance to get 8+ items to pick up like in a DK2?

AdamPlenty 🇬🇧 Submitter

There's a rule for you to be able to pick up up to 64 things, but I didn't enable it here.