Create your own maps and campaigns for KeeperFX and DK1 with Unearth.

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Industrial Action

Submitted by AdamPlenty
Category Map
Rating 3.6 / 5 5 ratings
Difficulty 2.8 / 5 5 ratings
Submission date 2024-05-15
Last updated 2024-10-04
Min. game version KeeperFX 1.1.0
Filesize 52.47KiB
Downloads 61
File Filesize Downloads Date
Industrial 52.47KiB 14 2024-10-04
Industrial 51.69KiB 47 2024-05-15

Something rum is going on with your Imps; you most sort it out before it's too late!

Installation Intructions

Extract it to a map pack, such as standard or personal.


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cy40k 🇦🇷

The map was easy. The main problem was with passing the bridge on the south. Thanks to Loobinex. Ive enjoyed the map.

cy40k 🇦🇷

whats the trick? im not available to get TUNNELLER. shall i pass throught the bridge in the south? but all of available creatures havent any flight casting: BUG DEMONSPAWN TROLL SPIDER SORCEROR ORC BILE_DEMON DRUID


im just getting an ords of imps, but i havent TUNNELLER and BRIDGE

AdamPlenty 🇬🇧 Submitter

You do have access to a flying creature.

cy40k 🇦🇷

Which one? No any of available creature can't fly

AdamPlenty 🇬🇧 Submitter

Think about how else you can get creatures.

cy40k 🇦🇷

I've been racking my brains over this level for 2 days now. Please give me a hint. Of all the creatures that come through the portal, none can fly. I can't create vampires without imps. And I can't imprison priestess which are coming after door breaking. I can't create anyone who can fly through the temple either. I have checked all of DK-pedia about the temple sacrifices, I have studied all of the creatures, but I don't understand how I can get someone who flies. I don't understand how I can cross this damn bridge in the south, after which the most interesting part will begin

I have not tried the map, but do you perhaps have a torture room ?

cy40k 🇦🇷

AAAhhh. i forgot that i can torture my OWN creatures. I never do it but i know that i can. THANK you VERY much...

Krizzie 🇳🇱

The first time you probably don't make it in time, which makes it very grindy to win.

Getting in time makes it a bit dull cause there's not much to do afterwards.

Also Tunnelers are a pain in the ass (But that has nothing to do with this map :P )

ben_lp 🇩🇪

Fun map but you need to hurry, otherwise it's getting ugly