Create your own maps and campaigns for KeeperFX and DK1 with Unearth.

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Submitted by Shinthoras0815
Category Map Pack
Rating 4.92 / 5 13 ratings
Difficulty 4.42 / 5 12 ratings
Submission date 2023-03-20
Last updated 2024-01-15
Min. game version KeeperFX 1.1.0
Filesize 15.32MiB
Downloads 592
File Filesize Downloads Date
UndivineD 15.32MiB 298 2024-01-15
UndivineD 15.32MiB 11 2024-01-15
UndivineD 15.34MiB 40 2023-12-24
UndivineD 10.95MiB 46 2023-12-16 4.95MiB 161 2023-06-01

Undivine Dungeon 1.5.1 need at least alpha 3682

The floating ghost here is a fully functional, unique unit that acts as a supporter and scout. It is called WISP and can only be used for a few tasks, but it has few requirements and is connected indivisibly to the Keeper.

The rules are based on the new standard rules in addition, the probability of skeletons, ghosts, and conversions have been reduced, and the cost of vampires has been increased

There are also several changes to creatures, including Job Priorities, CombatStats, and AnnoyanceStats, and a few attack spells have been changed. New creature spells, traps, custom objects, and icons have been added.

My goal in creating these maps was to provide players an experience where they can re-experience and rediscover Dungeon Keeper without losing the original feel of the game. I also want to find out what you can make with the latest versions of Keeperfx.

01 MOUNTAINCAL The level starts with an intro sequence where the player can't do much before the game begins.

02 SALTICIDAROSE Start again with a short intro sequence and contains 2 parts. The first part is shorter and is only contested with a Horny. While in the second part, a dungeon is usually built with your WISP, and a hero fortress must be taken, but with a severely limited selection of creatures.

03 SUILNA MEALLADH fight with 2 other keepers for the favor and the temple of an old god

04 TEINTETH HOLLOW This map contains heroes, a new variant of vampires, a keeper who likes to play with fire, and a lot of secrets

05 CAIRTA BHARAD The very defensive AI Keepers enable (hopefully) a more classic Dungeon Keeper-like sandbox experience.

Installation Intructions

The file must be unpacked in Keeperfx/Levels and is then available in the game in the free level selection in "Undivine Dungeon".


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Was a very fun Map Package. Make pls more of these types

At the second lvl if you have a libary a beetle can catch the egg and move it away! beware of this. i was not able to spawn more creatures but i catch heros and build army of ghosts or heros

GlaswegianBR 🇬🇧

This is fantastic. I had great fun playing this one. M O R E P L S

chris_96449 🇩🇪

Thanks to Loobinex, I could enjoy this very interesting map pack :-).

A great selection of very unique maps. Always love when creatures and skills are modified, so it feels almost like a new game without having any balancing issues. It also shows how much the modding community has grown over the years and I am very glad I can enjoy such high quality maps like these.

For me this map pack has an average difficulty which doesn't make it too stressful but still challenging enough to be enjoyable. Apart from creature modifications, what strikes me most with these maps is the fact that the player is on something that can be compared to quests. In the beginning of the map you will have to complete a certain task which leads to a completely different one later on. I noticed this in particular with the insect level - which was also my personal highlight. Just wow! It definitely shows that the map maker must have some serious modding skills. Amazing!

The entire map pack played smoothly. I just encountered a few bugs unless they were intended

  • In the first level after converting a giant and posessing him, I noticed that the cleave attack was labeled as "Fireball"
  • In the insect level (2nd half of it) I noticed that the bile demons were displeased by all other units when working in the workshop. They kept shooting their gas bombs at my creatures - in particular the beetles. This was bad because in that level beetles acted like imps and were mandatory for dragging the traps to their desired location. I lost a few beetles through that which was kind of annoying.
  • In the trap menu, the "selling"-icon was removed. This meant that I had to switch to a different menu when trying to sell traps. Nothing troublesome but I guess it would be a quality of life change if you added it back to the game.

Things I didn't like Insect level: the hero's maze had too many traps for my taste. It really stretched the level to an unnessesary length.

Still, one of the most memorable maps I have played. Thank you for giving the spot light to our insect friends.

walter253 🇻🇨 • Edited

Yes the Bile Demon they go postal like the Warlocks in the library, if you have creature that go in the workshop without the job then Bile Demon will shoot at them. It's a way of balancing them. It's probably worth telling this information to the player so they know they have to be careful.

The sell button disappearing from the workshop panel is probably cause there is a trap or door with PanelTabIndex set to 16 so yes it's a bug. The wrong label for that giant's attack seems to be a minor mistake.

walter253 🇻🇨 • Edited

To all the people: there is a new version! 1.5 let's go!

Possibly inspired by the Divine Dungeon series by Dakota Krout? Looking forward to checking this out!