Update 11/02/2024 (by Spatulade):
- Updated palettes to avoid duplicates.
- Added palette maker
- Added many, many other palettes that may be useful, such as variants of 'one step lighter/darker' and palettes for in-enging lighting.
- a few notes :)
script to batch recolor sprites with the dk pallete
install python to run
colourswapper.py is the file you want to run, not the png lib
includes sample of a recolored knight
the in folder should have all images you want to recolor
output will be placed in out folder
mask folder is for when only part of the image needs recoloring, in sample the knight gets recolored without also recouloring the torture table
pal_in.png should just stay the same,
pal_out.png should be modified to the new colours you want in the output
Very useful!