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Blue Keeper Icons Pack

Submitted by Spatulade
Category Other
Rating 5 / 5 6 ratings
Original creation date 2022-10-23
Submission date 2023-04-26
Last updated 2023-04-26
Filesize 165.60KiB
Downloads 56
File Filesize Downloads Date 165.60KiB 51 2023-06-01

A set of custom icons for levels or campaigns where you play as the blue Keeper. Replaces the icon for the Guard Post, CTA spell, Alarm Trap, and the casting cursors for Create Imp and CTA.

Installation Intructions

Place the files in the"blue_cfgs" folder into the cfgs folder for your campaign/levels folder. The magic, terrain and trapdoor .cfg files will replace the icons for the room, spells and trap, but if you already have custom versions of those for your levels you will need to add these to the files.


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