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Demon Slayer

Submitted by Duke_Ragereaver
Category Map
Rating 2 / 5 1 rating
Difficulty Not rated yet
Original creation date 2010-01-15
Submission date 2023-06-01
Last updated 2023-06-01
Filesize 30.98KiB
Downloads 52
File Filesize Downloads Date 30.98KiB 29 2023-08-29 30.31KiB 24 2023-06-01

Sequel to map 420 'Dragon Slayer': After a titanic battle, the dragon and his spawns lie at your feet, dead. After taking some deep breaths you realize you have finally redeemed your family's honor, rejoice! Your fellow villagers gegrudingly hailed you as a Hero, for slaying the dragon that has terrorized the village for years. Your fellow villagers immidiatly gaved you a task; slaying the demons of Carbannog and destroying the fortress they reside. Your fellow villagers are being fully aware they are sending you into a meat grinder, however, because you are so guillable, you accepted the task.

  • Creature Pool: Empty
  • Objects: Creatures: 99, Traps: 49, Doors: 25, Items: 216, Dungeon hearts: 2, Hero gates: 0, Special Boxes: 0
Installation Intructions

Read the Playing Custom Maps documentation page for information on how to play this map.


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Use lvl10 knight in possession to get to the end and kill loads of units along the way.