Create your own maps and campaigns for KeeperFX and DK1 with Unearth.

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Avenger D'Nerzel

Created by Anonymous
Category Map
Rating 1 / 5 1 rating
Difficulty 1 / 5 1 rating
Original creation date 1998-05-11
Submission date 2023-06-01
Last updated 2024-10-01
Filesize 32.93KiB
Downloads 38
File Filesize Downloads Date
avenger-dnerzel_v1.0.0_FIXED.7z 32.93KiB 4 2024-10-01 42.24KiB 34 2023-06-01

Nerzel, the previous Keeper here, let himself get overrun by the heroes of this land. Hopefully, you'll fare much better.

  • Creature Pool: Troll, Dragon, Demon Spawn, Fly, Dark Mistress, Warlock, Bile Demon, Beetle, Spider, Hell Hound, Orc
  • Objects: Creatures: 37, Traps: 19, Doors: 34, Items: 305, Dungeon hearts: 2, Hero gates: 3, Special Boxes: 3
Installation Intructions

Read the Playing Custom Maps documentation page for information on how to play this map.


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You start the level in a white dungeon that you have to claim before you can really begin. To the north, there is the hero fortress you'll have to conquer to win the map. To the west, 3 gems that will provide endless gold. These are guarded by 3 lvl 10 tentacles, but you start with 1 of each and every trap and door, so a boulder will take care of that easily.

A message tells you at the beginning that the heroes now know you are here, but no party will ever spawn to attack you so you have all the time in the world plus endless gold to do whatever you want. You can build a workshop, but can't build any trap or door inside.

Now, for the fun part. When you try to attack the white dungeon from the front gate, an endless, giant spawn of hundreds (if you have the required keeperfx alpha) of level 3 barbarians, monks and archers that will make the game lag will start marching upon you. This is absolutely impossible to fight against and you will die sooner or later unless you sell the bridge or use a lava trap. Then again, you won't be able to get creatures anymore, including imps since the map is saturated by hundreds of heroes.

I'm not sure if this is intended, I suspect the mapmaker simply never tested his map. I used the destroy walls spell to skip the action point in the front of the dungeon and sneaked inside. Also, get ready for disgusting boulder traps inside the fortress and a final party composed of 2 lvl 10 knights and monks.

That's a heavy 1/5 for me. Difficulty is 1/5 if you skip the action point, impossible/5 if you don't.

walter253 🇻🇨

Thanks for the report, fixed the map script and sent the files to the host, should be updated later.