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Sophie likes straight lines and dug out your dungeon for you, which does give this map some flavor. But, this is yet another map with prison+torture+gems. About 200 heroes are placed on this map, and you get a reveal map special so you know where to dig, so you can slowly but surely convert all the heroes on this map. The heroes are all level 10 and strong, knights, samurai, giants, even a few avatars, but in small groups they cannot harm you. By the time I had 130 creatures I had lost just 4. The map does end with a giant fight though, there's a hero pocket filled with dozens of reapers and fairies, which could force you to pay attention (and for example kill them all with boulder traps) but instead this map gives you 2 multiply creature specials. Unfortunately that would have me triple the creature limit so I just cast Armageddon and used them when I lost some creatures. If you like hero fortresses and converting heroes, this could be a map for you.