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In this level, you start with a lot of gems which should make it very easy. However, the heroes are controlled by a Keeper, which means imps will dig to your location quite early on. You'll have to fortify and turtle not to die as there is no way to stop the high level heroes in the beginning.
That being said, the other blue Keeper won't have the idea to do the same. He will soon have to fight the heroes and cannot possibly win as he starts as weak as you. He will eventually be defeated, which triggers the win condition. You could technically win this level by frameskipping without doing anything.
Difficulty is 5/5 if you don't fortify, probably impossible. 1/5 with turtling.
EDIT: I looked at the script and it is weird. Most of it is in REM, and you can read what the author wanted to do but didn't for some reason. Also, the level would be better without the heroes as a computer player.
Fairly sure you couldn't change PLAYER_GOOD to use a Keeper AI way back in the day, so this behaviour would be relatively new.
The script does mention his intention with a couple of action points and timers, but there are none on the map nor none in the script. Stripping out everything REM and you get a very basic map setup.
In the original game you could try, and it would mostly (but not fully) not work. It would have some effect, I believe the hero-keepers would cast some spells.
Indeed. I don't know if that was planned but scrapped or if he copy/pasted the script from another map?
Anyway even the heroes being a player isn't fully scripted. PLAYER_GOOD has no starting gold and max creatures.