Your brother, a rival keeper, has been remiss and left a dungeon relatively unattended while he ravages a nearby land. The locals sense his absence and are keen to destroy him. So are you, in the interests of brotherly love and all that.
- Creature Pool: Troll, Dragon, Demon Spawn, Fly, Dark Mistress, Warlock, Bile Demon, Beetle, Spider, Hell Hound, Orc
- Objects: Creatures: 48, Traps: 10, Doors: 13, Items: 388, Dungeon hearts: 2, Hero gates: 1, Special Boxes: 5
This map looked promising, but it is just too easy. There is just few heroes on map and Blue keeper has broken Dungeon, because his Heart is not connected to rest of Dungeon. I dont understand why he cant use imps to connect it, but he didnt. Map has another issue and thats nonexistent Destroy Walls spell. I actualy added that spell for me to research in Map editor so I can actualy finish the map. Without it, you cannot win it.
Another poorly tested map, the blue keeper has a disconnected dungeon, so it does not function well as imps don't mine and creatures are assigned to rooms where they starve to death. Beyond this error a basic map, just two sides of gems prevent you from becoming all too powerful, but you're attacked by just a few hero parties, and even if blue wasn't broken he had no advantage so he would have died swiftly. To top it all off, the part of the blue dungeon that had the hearth was walled of and with no 'destroy walls' spell the level cannot be won.