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CutieLauncher (Alpha)

Submitted by KeeperFX Team
Category Application
Rating 5 / 5 4 ratings
Submission date 2025-03-16
Last updated 2025-03-18
Filesize 24.12MiB
Downloads 28
File Filesize Downloads Date
cutielauncher- 24.12MiB 11 2025-03-18
cutielauncher- 24.11MiB 17 2025-03-16

New KeeperFX launcher written in C++ using the Qt framework.

This is an alpha test to make sure everything works correctly before we start using this as the new official KeeperFX launcher. The codename for this launcher is CutieLauncher (Qt Launcher) and it could be considered a full remake and update of ImpLauncher.

Current supported features:

  • Full (web) installer (+ magic DK files copy)
  • Automatic updater (file per file support for small downloads!)
  • Settings
  • Latest news / workshop items
  • Unwanted file removal (safe updating from old versions)
  • Play game
  • Crash reporting

The extra play menu does not support the disabled menu items yet (Play map, direct connect, packetfile)

If you use the web-installer to install the launcher it will work like any other program on your computer. It will be in your Installed Programs list, have a start menu shortcut, and it will be able to be uninstalled. Keep in mind that uninstalling will remove the whole KeeperFX directory. (Any saves and maps will be lost)

If you have any problems, you can leave a comment on this workshop item or contact us on the Keeper Klan Discord. If you start the launcher with the --log-debug parameter, a logfile will be written (in the KeeperFX directory) with helpful information for us.

Installation Intructions

There are 2 possible install methods (you can choose):

  • Use the included web-installer to install KeeperFX from scratch or over an existing installation
  • Extract keeperfx-launcher-qt.exe and 7za.dll to your already existing KeeperFX directory

If you keep getting a verification warning, create a shortcut to keeperfx-launcher.qt.exe and add the --skip-verify command line parameter.

Currently only Windows is supported. A Linux binary will be available soon.


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Yani 🇧🇪 Admin


Yani 🇧🇪 Admin • Edited


  • Add custom front-end resolutions (failsafe, menu, movies)
  • Fix fps setting
  • Start using a different KFX config file if KFX supports it (for separation between user and app files)
  • Improve automagic DK file copy (better Steam support)
  • Add Wine checks and logging for better Linux support
  • Add bit7z library usage to About page