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Thematic tileset reshade

Submitted by xeonis
Category Other
Rating 5 / 5 4 ratings
Submission date 2024-10-26
Filesize 443.23KiB
Downloads 44
File Filesize Downloads Date 443.23KiB 44 2024-10-26

Some tileset recolours that can make certain types of maps appear more atmospheric

Bloodmoon(14) : Standard textures covered in a red haze, usable for corrupted places

Crypt(15) : A darker and more colour depressed version of skull relief, works well for tombs and catacombs

Frozen(16) : Looks like winter on first glance, but this version has a proper deep freeze

Installation Intructions

Extract into data, all 3 sets should appear as numbers 14,15,16 in Unearth

Mind you, tilesets above number 16 won't work properly ingame


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aqualakitu 🇩🇪

These are looking pretty cool! I like that they're quite close to the original but make those tilesets feel more distinct. Especially love the colder palette of the ice one, nice work!