Create your own maps and campaigns for KeeperFX and DK1 with Unearth.

You can find it here.

Cultist Faction (0.8)

Submitted by ErminioLucente
Category Other
Rating 5 / 5 6 ratings
Submission date 2024-05-24
Last updated 2024-05-24
Min. game version Latest KeeperFX alpha patch
Filesize 22.42MiB
Downloads 68
This workshop item uses unreleased KeeperFX functionality and requires the latest alpha patch to work correctly.
File Filesize Downloads Date
Cultist 22.42MiB 65 2024-05-24

A pack consisting of all the cultist creatures bundled, with music, effects and other tid bits.

Alot of the creatures, textures and effects are still incomplete sadly. will update this over time.

Installation Intructions

:\Keeper FX\levels\ < paste entire contents here.


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Interesting creature pack, is it free for mapmakers to use? Started working on a campaign and have more than enough custom spells made for each unit to use.

That's why it up on the workshop.

jebajlo 🇵🇱

Looks amaizng, maybe near future map that contains only such monsters?

ErminioLucente 🇬🇧 Submitter • Edited

ben_lp, a regular member on here is currently making maps with these. And im hoping the community can help contribute fixes and help finish what i left incomplete. i will update this regularly.

nice looking forward to it