Create your own maps and campaigns for KeeperFX and DK1 with Unearth.

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Cutlist Grimalkin (1.0)

Submitted by ErminioLucente
Category Creature
Rating 5 / 5 8 ratings
Submission date 2024-05-22
Min. game version KeeperFX 1.2.0
Filesize 1.47MiB
Downloads 55
File Filesize Downloads Date 1.47MiB 55 2024-05-22

Custom Sprites and template Config. Primarily for modders only, so this wont work right out of the box without some modifications.

2 Versions available. Classic & Hi Contrast with shadows.

Installation Intructions

To add this creature to your game, follow the instructions for custom creatures on the Custom Configuration Files page.

If you have any trouble, it's best to ask for help in the #mapmaking channel on the Keeper Klan discord.

If you want the entire Cultist faction, creatures and all, you can find it here: Cultist Faction (0.8)

(Keep in mind that any custom attacks that this creature might use are not yet available)


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Really nice this furry monster (cats are monsters!). I’m sorry that there is no audio and that there is the version with the shadow. Did you happen to do the shadow-less version?