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DK2 texture map

Submitted by xeonis
Category Other
Rating 4.43 / 5 7 ratings
Submission date 2024-05-18
Last updated 2024-10-11
Filesize 1.06MiB
Downloads 105
File Filesize Downloads Date 1.06MiB 29 2024-10-11
tmapa014.dat 544.00KiB 52 2024-05-24

Edit: Updated texture joints

KFX greyscale is nonexistent - enjoy it having your dungeon brown as shit

Installation Intructions

Typically extracting tmap14 into data makes it usable as style 14 in Unearth


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Spatulade 🇰🇳

This looks really good! Always great to see new tilesets! Really impressed with how much you've managed to get looking decent despite all of the roadblocks caused by palette, size and other stuff. There are a few textures that haven't been replaced (player markers on the sides of walls, impenetrable rock), and sure, the textures could be neatened up so they fit together better, but I know that part takes more time than the rest of the work combined, so that's fair. The moving lava makes me feel a bit sick but I don't know how easy it is to implement the lava animation from DK2.

Really great! Hoping to see this tidied a little and implemented in a DK2 campaign sometime!

xeonis 🇩🇪 Submitter

It is a fast placed skin actually. Handpainting nooks and corners perhaps grants better results, i could go for the extra mile if someone actually intends to use it somewhere.

Spatulade 🇰🇳

Nice! I'm sure people will want to use it! 😄

ben_lp 🇩🇪

oh new textures, cool