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This level isn't amazing, but it isn't bad either. The center has a maze, but that hardly effects how this level plays out since you don't have to do it first person and there aren't (m)any annoying traps in there. What's left is a basic map where you can build up your dungeon in peace with gems available. You'll only find a prison much later. Unfortunately the mapmaker has underestimated how powerful you can become before you'll make your way towards your rival. In total ten lvl 3-5 heroes are spawned as the final party, that could have been taken out with just one or two of my lvl10 reapers, but I had 45 creatures, most of them lvl 10. I don't know what the 20 creatures were that blue keeper had, he died before I could see them. If you'd like to play an easy map to play(comparable to lvl 5-10 of the main campaign) this one isn't a bad choice.