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Doom Keeper E1M1

Submitted by arthurdent
Category Map
Rating 4 / 5 4 ratings
Difficulty 3.33 / 5 3 ratings
Submission date 2024-02-07
Last updated 2024-04-14
Min. game version KeeperFX 1.0.0
Filesize 16.59MiB
Downloads 98
File Filesize Downloads Date
Doom Keeper Nightmare!!!.zip 16.59MiB 47 2024-02-13

The say Doom can be played on anything...

Well, Now Finally! Doom can be played on Dungeon Keeper, (sort of)

Play as the Doom Mistress...

The forces of Good are planning an invasion of HELL...... Kill them All.

This is a recreation of the original doom map, E1 M1. The Hangar.

Playable 1st or *** 3rd person. with lots of enemies to kill, and secrets to be found.

There are secret areas, health, armour and invisibility potions, and even a hidden automap.!

just run through the potions to pick them up... blue potion - health pink potion - Armour Yellow potion - invisibility

there are also secret doors, disguised as walls, which can be hit to destroy... for the doom aficionados, I tried to put the secret doors in the same spot of og doom This map, it not your traditional keeper map. level will not take too long to play, and there is not building, training, research or anything, just slaughter.


If people enjoy this, I will make a higher difficulty, version (ultraviolence!). As for other levels, I may make more, if there is interest, and the map is small enough :).


increased difficulty. also, ***changed so now just playable 1st person.....

and Ultra Violence Edition ...

NOW!! Doom Keeper Nightmare edition!!!!!

Thanks to all the community for the advice and tips... thanks to ben, walter for ideas, thanks to Dofi for testing!!.

  • Now much harder (hopefully)!

Also with a scoring system... as provided by walter253.

Next Up... (because I can only fit small maps into Dk...) Doom2... Level 1

Installation Intructions

copy to the keeperfx\levels folder


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Spatulade 🇰🇳

Pretty fun but got very tedious near the end. I love the concept, but I think there are a few things that could be fixed or changed:

  • the biggest one: significantly increase the damage you deal AND take. I was getting so bored near the end, I played the entire game with frameskip turned on a few times because I just stand there shooting an enemy for a full minute, which isn't fun at all. If your weapons did more damage (and enemies were more deadly), it would make things a lot more fun!
  • Change the loadout - Melee, Fireball, Nav Missile and a good set of "standard" weapons, but as soon as I got Drain I rarely used anything else. Meteor can be useful, so that can stay too, but the remaining spells weren't so helpful. Heal is fine, maybe a bit redundant if I can just use Drain the whole time, but WOP and Freeze don't feel like a good fit for Doom, I'd prefer something that dealt more damage (the unused Time Bomb creature spell would be a PERFECT BFG) and allowed me to keep strafing around. Speed was helpful but a bit awkward to use by pressing 9, and Lightning would be more fun if you could hold it down like the rest.
  • There were probably just too many enemies there. This wouldn't be as bad if you could deal more damage though.
  • I had a few graphical errors. The green acid floor and the walls connected to it kept displaying magenta parts, and the weapon pickup was pointing to the wrong graphics (so displayed a dog). Also the traps in the end did not seem to trigger.
  • The idea of making E1M1 was a fun one, but the map felt too big to me, and it was hard to visualise what matched the original game, so maybe messing around with custom tilesets here could help :)
  • You could probably turn off things like paydays and the like, and I think QUICK_MESSAGE appears when you're in possession (so you could add text showing pickups etc)

All in all, a fun experience but needs a few tweaks to really improve it.

GlaswegianBR 🇬🇧

Loved it. That reaper near the end almost got my ass lol

Thanks!, I plan to do more doom levels :)

Doom Keeper Nightmare Uploaded!!!, let me know how you go!!!.... leveling/weapon pickup! is now not by exp. but by finding the level spots... also there a re health/armour and invisibility potions!! (and a hidden map!... much less health (Halved) harder enemies.... and we also now have Ben_lp's Dark Angles... that summon skeletons!!!.

Also with a scoring system... as provided by walter253.

Next Up... (because I can only fit small maps into Dk...) Doom2... Level 1

walter253 🇻🇨

hey are you still around?

back around again gonna be doing some more doom levels

Yani 🇧🇪 Admin

You can spawn creatures with the mapscript and make them guard a much smaller area.

yeah, I know, thought about that.. but they don't come from other areas to attack you just from the room you are in, which is the way it originally worked.. but I will absolutely use that on a harder version to stop you being completely swarmed. :)

Repeat Trigger Implemented. and bundled :)

walter253 🇻🇨

hi I see you are using a map pack structure for this map, I think you can bundle the tmapa014.dat with it, it can be inside your doomkeeper_cfgs folder and if you rename it tmapb014.dat it should still work?

I have also a request, you have a custom creature.cfg for this map and it's a missed opportunity to give REPEAT_TRIGGER to the instance the Dark Mistress uses, I believe in FPS game holding click let the player shoot in continue and REPEAT_TRIGGER allows this.

I did not know I could do that, cool!

where do I put the repeat_trigger in ..

just tried with tmapb014 in my cgfs.folder, and it did not work.?

walter253 🇻🇨

Ah maybe ask on discord if it's possible...?

for REPEAT_TRIGGER try looking for it on FLAME_BREATH

does it use Doom textures?

no. Dungeon keeper textures.

although, it does have custom toxic waste instead of Lava

Although I 'think' you could implement Doom textures with the Slab editor And I 'think' they are the exact same dimensions as DK textures '32x32'

This would be pretty cool!

Indeed it would!. but the would need to be coloured with the keeper palette, and I am not sure if there is an easy way to do that... if ir is manual recolouring.. that is a lot of work

You can load the pallette into photoshop and convert I can do this. I just don't know how to use slab editor or get them ingame. But I can certainly convert them to DK1 pallete easy enough

there is a palette for GIMP, but not one for photoshop that I am aware...

the slab editor part is not that hard...

but if we can work it out, it will be excellent!

apologies, commented asking before screenshots were uploaded