Create your own maps and campaigns for KeeperFX and DK1 with Unearth.

You can find it here.


Created by Karsten Plesner
Category Map
Rating 1 / 5 2 ratings
Difficulty 1 / 5 2 ratings
Original creation date 1998-02-17
Submission date 2023-06-01
Last updated 2023-06-01
Filesize 50.50KiB
Downloads 35
File Filesize Downloads Date 50.50KiB 35 2023-06-01

You're favourite Horned Reaper has been captured, brainwashed and imprisoned. To finish this level, you'll have to set him free and kill all opponents in the process, thus making the world a better and more evil place (yeah!).

  • Creature Pool: Troll, Dragon, Dark Mistress, Warlock, Bile Demon, Orc
  • Objects: Creatures: 59, Traps: 0, Doors: 1, Items: 233, Dungeon hearts: 3, Hero gates: 0, Special Boxes: 4
Installation Intructions

Read the Playing Custom Maps documentation page for information on how to play this map.


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Zax 🇨🇿

Quite easy map if you act fast. I dont know if it was intended but I was able to get creatures from both enemy keepers. Neutral Horned Reaper level 3 and some other creatures from other keeper. With that I was able to destroy green one fast and blue one shorty after. Heroes in the middle werent important for win condition.

A map where most of the player's creatures are limited to lvl 4. There's a Green Keeper with gems to the west and a single lvl 1 orc he won't be able to train, in the middle of the maps are the heroes, all lvl 8 and to the top you'll find the Blue Keeper who can train his creatures as much as he wants.

You can get a Horned Reaper not limited in levels, and if you're lucky a second one at the end of a small maze if Blue hasn't claimed the area yet. You have very limited magic and rooms.

It is possible to steal the neutral creatures Blue is supposed to get when he goes for his portal and then rush him. Or go around the middle area, then you connect Blue's Dungeon to the center and let him die to the heroes. Green will die when he eventually digs his walls, no need to wait for Blue to research Destroy Walls.

Also, weird script that should, in theory but not in practice, make you win when either Blue or Green destroys all the hearts of the other Keepers (you included).

Not worth playing at all. 1/5