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East Palace (Zelda) *ALPHA 2*

Submitted by Grasyl
Category Map
Rating Not rated yet
Difficulty Not rated yet
Submission date 2024-01-17
Last updated 2024-01-18
Min. game version KeeperFX 1.0.0
Filesize 43.80KiB
Downloads 53
File Filesize Downloads Date 43.80KiB 35 2024-01-18 43.81KiB 19 2024-01-17

A more or less fateful recreation of the East Palace from Zelda: Link to the Past.

  • Alpha 2: Minor geometry changes, the script is still broken.
Installation Intructions

Just copy the "levels" folder into your KeeperFX main directory and select "Free Play Levels" and then "Standard Levels" from the main menu of the start the map.


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walter253 🇻🇨

Pretty! Will you do more Zelda dungeon layout?