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Kurz Burg harder++ V3

Submitted by Grasyl
Category Map
Rating 2 / 5 1 rating
Difficulty 4 / 5 1 rating
Submission date 2024-01-16
Last updated 2024-01-21
Min. game version KeeperFX 1.0.0
Filesize 28.38KiB
Downloads 51
File Filesize Downloads Date 28.38KiB 34 2024-01-21 28.37KiB 18 2024-01-16

An even harder version of the Kurz Burg map .. I'm not even sure that it can be beaten.

A simple "Hero Assault" ma, where you have to defeat several waves of heroes. You have plenty of gold and plenty of monsters .. The only problem is, you don't have much room.

  • V3, script fixes
Installation Intructions

Just copy the "levels" folder into your KeeperFX main directory and select "Free Play Levels" and then "Standard Levels" from the main menu of the start the map.


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Krizzie 🇳🇱

I didn't beat the last party but won the map anyway?

With some room management it wasn't that hard. 2 Mistresses and some vampires made quick work of all the parties except the last one. :P

Grasyl Submitter

The last Party is just a bonus to put a dungeon to the last test.

What rooms in what sized did you build?

Krizzie 🇳🇱

Library to research everything (I thought I could get more land with the destroy walls spell...) a 0small treasure room, small graveyard for vamps, temple to convert the bugs.

By not taking the portal nothing triggers, so there's endless time to clean the map and level the tenticles to 10 (by water training)