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Firefly -a futur elite fly

Submitted by TazioFirelli
Category Creature
Rating 3.67 / 5 3 ratings
Submission date 2023-12-24
Min. game version KeeperFX 1.1.0
Filesize 10.63MiB
Downloads 71
File Filesize Downloads Date 10.63MiB 71 2023-12-24

A rework of the original fly from DK1... to make a wink to DK2 by introducing a firefly in DKFx... or something meta like that, i'm not sure to understand well myself.

So with love and time I can purpose for Xmas a lighter scout to pierce the darkness with! The body is darker but the tail blink like a true one; and the eyes and feelers shine on attack, Look it lair, dark like ashes but contening an ardent heart from whome the 10lev firefly can reborn if killed on exploring! (But be carefull if a spider is waiting for its return to lair) In torture, the executionner switch on and off the light by pulling the wings, and his face is illuminated by darker torment ideas... Soon, one explosing, the firefly will left behind her some insect bits, still shining, allowing you to always reconize its remains, even in the hardest battle with an exclusive deadsplat as if you smash an hornet yourself. Note that unlike the (poor) screenshot, the creature has the "illuminated" fonction.

The firefly.cfg file is boring for now and have to be rebalanced : be curious to try stuffs and make feedbacks and councils. For details

RoomSlabsRequired=25 25 9
PowersLevelRequired= 1 2 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 10

Enjoy =)

Installation Intructions

Extract the first compressed folder.

Add the second compressed folder into the "fxdata" folder of DKFX without extraction; just rename it to "elite_fly" later.

Add the firefly.cfg file into the "creatrs" folder of DKFX

Add the creature's name in the creature.cfg's creature list, lets almost 20 empty entries after for further evil elites. (and the same for bosses). NameTextID = 264

Optional : To get a fully available creature without adding it in every map scripts to get it by portal, two ways may be used: firstly, adding a sacrifice recipe in "rules.cfg", something like " MkCreature = FIREFLY FLY FLY FLY KNIGHT " or/+ open the vanilla fly.cfg and add to the experience ยง "GrowUp=50000 FIREFLY 3"

Optional : To replace the ingame name "fly" by a new one, like "firefly" or "elite_fly" or whatever else... : Use DKStrings.exe to rewrite or add an empty line in "gtext_eng.dat" + "gtext_[yourlanguage].dat" to add the firefly name, then, write the corresponding line number here on the next line instead of "1034" and remove the previous line and this one + don't forget to remove too the ";" at the beginning of the following one. ; NameTextID=1034

So "firefly" is a temporary name, in the future, all the "firefly" iterations must be replaced by "elite_fly" in this file + in the creature.cfg's creature list + in the name of the compressed folder + in object.cfg for the lair + in rules.cfg if sacrifice recipe + in fly.cfg if growup + in the "gtext.dat" files if used... Any left?! Note that different icons and portraits are available, one for the firefly that fit with the colors, and one with a golden medal according to the elite statut of the creature in futur, but just ugly before to be generalized. The icon.json and stripes.json files will switch themself.

I'm so pride of the little fireflies dancing around the firefly nest, so don't forget to add an entry for the lair in "object.cfg" :

AnimationSpeed = 12
Size_XY = 0
Size_Z = 0
MaximumSize = 300
DestroyOnLava = 0
DestroyOnLiquid = 0
RelatedCreature = FIREFLY
Health = 0
FallAcceleration = 0
LightUnaffected = 0
LightIntensity = 0
LightRadius = 0
LightIsDynamic = 0
DrawClass = 2
Persistence = 2
Immobile = 0


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ben_lp ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช

you need to change AttackPreference=RANGED to AttackPreference=MELEE then it is working and attacking enemys and doors

TazioFirelli ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท Submitter

Hi, yep thanks you for your test and to notice where is the trouble, I will change that with a "noXmas version" without the adds and previews that are not firefly related. You're right, I wrote "ranged" at the end of the process without testing it, my objective was to make naturally the firefly act like a mistress and use fireball at distance when is available and no longer come to contact after lev4 (and so die stupidly as a vanilla fly). But if the creature don't have any attack action before lev 4 as you said... the firefly will look really useless (!)

In fact in thinking about it, is it a problem to have a "shy" scout that won't have the bravery to knock and destroy doors by herself and test all traps in a simple and deadly exploring turn without the player in its veins? (with spiders -one of the reason to die for a fly... cause doors generally mean traps or ennemies) If firefly is a "special" minion, the ideas is to make it possible to maintain in life to use it by possess at will. The powers are thought for the keeper's use, specially in possess levels ; the flame breath to destroy fastly the common doors and level up easily, and the fireball to learn a distant ability that change the use of the creature for the player. So if the firefly is one of the shyest and the most coward beast after imps, this bug maybe take a part of the creature identity : I won't attack at all on early levels and flee to survive a little more. In this mind, the fear of the creature must be changed; maybe the strength too and the health. (?)

ben_lp ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช • Edited

hi tazio <3 in your upload is many many stuff ! so much nice icons ! idk if it is intended to upload all these stuff ? icons for elite creatures for example. but thanks a lot for the firefly i might use it for my dk2 campaign. i think the folder "elite stuff" in your upload should not be there

TazioFirelli ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท Submitter • Edited

This is a Xmas version, yes it has to be... recuted from the "adds"; I just wanted to present my work it and see if the community likes some of them and makes feedbacks. Well, I made an easter egg in a Xmas special... is it logical at all?

ben_lp ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช

I've tested your creature and it does not use the firebreath against enemys or doors