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Create your own maps and campaigns for KeeperFX and DK1 with Unearth.

You can find it here.

Custom Traps (Script)

Submitted by walter253
Category Other
Rating 5 / 5 3 ratings
Submission date 2023-07-08
Last updated 2023-07-08
Min. game version KeeperFX 1.0.0
Filesize 5.32KiB
Downloads 78
File Filesize Downloads Date 5.32KiB 67 2023-07-11

A simple script to provide 9 custom traps for mapmakers to use.

  • CAVEIN: Cast Cave In on ennemies, making them flee, trigger on pressure.

  • CHICKEN: Shoot a projectile that transform into Chicken, trigger on pressure.

  • FREEZE: Shoot a projectile that Freeze, trigger on pressure.

  • HAILSTORM: Shoot Hailstorm, trigger at line of sight (360 degrees).

  • POWER: Shoot Drain, trigger at line of sight (360 degrees).

  • SENTRY: Shoot different projectiles in this order: Missile, Navigating Missile, Fireball and Meteor.

  • SPAWN: Spawn a random level 1 hero (can spawn Knight but not Avatar), trigger on pressure or can be slapped to trigger it.

  • SPITFIRE: Spit Flame Breath on ennemies, trigger at range.

  • WIND: Push ennemies far away, trigger on pressure.

Installation Intructions

Download it, read the instructions on the text file.

You need at least Alpha 3396 for it to be fully functionnal.


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Yani 🇧🇪 Admin


walter253 🇻🇨 Submitter

Let me know in comment for issues, or tell me in discord or if you have trouble using it. Enjoy!