New Server!


These recent days I migrated the website to a new server. The migration is complete and everything should be working as before. This post goes in more detail about the server and changes for those who are interested.

The most important change is that we got a much faster server for less than half the price. I also decided to drop the CloudFlare reverse proxy because we had issues with some German users being routed trough the USA. Dropping the reverse proxy also allows us to increase the file upload limits. Furthermore I Dockerized all applications running on the server. I am hosting a handful of other unrelated services that had to be migrated as well.

Here are the details of the old and new server:

Old server:

  • vCPU: Intel Xeon E312xx - 2x 2.4Ghz (shared)
  • Benchmark CPU events per second: ~916
  • RAM: 4GB
  • Disk: 200GB SSD
  • Bandwidth: 1TB/s
  • Traffic limit: 10TiB/month
  • Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands 🇳🇱
  • Extra storage: 1.25TiB
  • Total price: €42.74 / month

New server:

  • vCPU: AMD EPYC (2nd gen) - 2x 2.4Ghz (dedicated)
  • Benchmark CPU events per second: ~4470 (4.8x faster)
  • RAM: 8GB
  • Disk: 80GB SSD
  • Bandwidth: 10TB/s
  • Traffic limit: 20TiB/month
  • Location: Falkenstein, Germany 🇩🇪
  • Extra storage: 1TiB
  • Total price: €21.88 / month

If there are any problems, please let us know on the Keeper Klan discord.

Happy holidays!

Update: The price of €18.20 was wrong and it has been updated to the actual price of €21.88.

  • Yani

- KeeperFX Team