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Assmist Isle

Created by Kix
Category Campaign
Rating 4.78 / 5 9 ratings
Difficulty 4.67 / 5 9 ratings
Original creation date 2019-03-01
Submission date 2023-06-09
Last updated 2023-06-10
Min. game version KeeperFX 0.4.8 Build 2154
Filesize 5.95MiB
Downloads 160
File Filesize Downloads Date 5.95MiB 160 2023-06-09

_Acemist isle. An awfully poor and Christian place where its citizens die of old age, live a boring puritanical life and enjoy spreading their ludicrous beliefs. Some call it the second Poland. Do not underestimate them, however: they even managed to convert some of your minions which they'll gladly use against you. Their abominable accent makes the isle name sound as if they were mumbling 'Assmist isle'. A fitting future name once your bile demons are done with it, don't you think? _


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pretty hard but fun