Create your own maps and campaigns for KeeperFX and DK1 with Unearth.

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Assmist Isle

Created by Kix
Category Campaign
Rating 4.78 / 5 9 ratings
Difficulty 4.67 / 5 9 ratings
Original creation date 2019-03-01
Submission date 2023-06-09
Last updated 2023-06-10
Min. game version KeeperFX 0.4.8 Build 2154
Filesize 5.95MiB
Downloads 117
File Filesize Downloads Date 5.95MiB 117 2023-06-09

_Acemist isle. An awfully poor and Christian place where its citizens die of old age, live a boring puritanical life and enjoy spreading their ludicrous beliefs. Some call it the second Poland. Do not underestimate them, however: they even managed to convert some of your minions which they'll gladly use against you. Their abominable accent makes the isle name sound as if they were mumbling 'Assmist isle'. A fitting future name once your bile demons are done with it, don't you think? _


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pretty hard but fun

walter253 🇻🇨

Great campaign, that feels very DKish in the humor, also it's kind of hard so if you are not confortable with the game you might end up having an unfun experience. I recommend but only for expert.