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I didnt enjoy this map very much.
This map is on the low quality side.
You start in the center of the map, surrounded by AIs that start much stronger than you. So you have to rush fortifications as soon as possible and get what little gold is available.
In theory, because in practice the AIs were kind of buggy. Blue, in the bottom right corner, found himself gold starved despite having access to the germs right above him and a second left untouched. Maybe the fact that he is in a corner with little room to grow has something to do with it?
Yellow, who I defeated by claiming his rooms with invisible imps, had another problem. He mined and was active, but has a mapmaking problem: his heart, entrance and lair are disconnected from the rest, which means his AI gets really buggy and he barely reacted to what I did, even when killing his imps. There's also the problem his inner sanctum containing the heart was fully fortified by the time I came knocking and there is no destroy walls or armageddon spell to be found. So the map was impossible to finish as he went idle after losing the outer part of his base.
Green, in the other corner, I didn't check but looking in the editor, his dungeon is also separated in two but should be functional. However, he has no gold/gems to mine so he was likely struggling a lot with full workshop economy.
To finish, the heroes in the top right part. They have a little fort there full of hundreds of archers and lightning traps. So many archers my 6 reapers, 6 mistresses and 8 warlocks and the rest couldn't handle them easily. The fort is full of randomly placed lightning traps on every tiles including inside rooms and you've got the usual boulders behind magic doors. In a row.
No, really, skip it and you won't miss much. Hard 1/5