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Hell mission

Created by Anonymous
Category Map
Rating 4 / 5 1 rating
Difficulty 2 / 5 1 rating
Original creation date 2005-07-12
Submission date 2023-06-01
Last updated 2023-06-01
Filesize 74.07KiB
Downloads 33
File Filesize Downloads Date 74.07KiB 33 2023-06-01

While moving moving here, you've lost lost several rolls of black magic spells which allowed you to build some rooms. That's unfortunate; you will have to acquire the knowledge from your enemy. The keeper Niyake, was stupid enough to recover and rise again the Avatar so he could help in crushing you. Send him back to hell, as many times as it's needed. First head east and make sure the enemies lose their bastion. This way you will get Prison and a Torture chamber.

  • Creature Pool: Troll, Dragon, Demon Spawn, Fly, Dark Mistress, Warlock, Bile Demon, Beetle, Spider, Hell Hound, Orc
  • Objects: Creatures: 93, Traps: 23, Doors: 37, Items: 433, Dungeon hearts: 5, Hero gates: 3, Special Boxes: 6
Installation Intructions

Read the Playing Custom Maps documentation page for information on how to play this map.


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A nice, more classic level.

You start off as very gold starved and will have to use the workshop for a while until you can defeat one of the three other keepers present. Two have gems, the last one (yellow) doesn't and that will be a problem for him later in the game.

The other keepers aren't allied, with blue being more passive, so green and yellow went at war with green winning and getting skeletons and vampires as a result. Yellow from now on wasn't a factor except for feeding corpses to green, he stayed alive because green didn't mine the single wall that kept his imps from taking over his dungeon.

The small fort in the middle is needed to eventually get to bridges, but also the obey spell and the very important scavenger room, both of which will make the rest easy enough. The hardest part is managing your economy in the beginning as even the hero parties aren't really a threat if you have a few bile demons. Getting trolls and mistresses is a must as trolls are the best manufacturers in the game while mistresses are also good in the workshop and being devastating on the battlefield.

The heroes in the top right corner aren't a threat, and will even provide more troops for you including an avatar. Once all the keepers and hero hearts are destroyed, a final hero invasion spawns in your dungeon that shouldn't be a problem to deal with.

I'll give it a 4/5. There are secrets scattered around, every keeper has a reward for being defeated with green being needed to access the hero fortress. Map is beginner friendly since despite the lack of gold you're not threatened by anything, it's just a matter of waiting/training. You can also be more agressive I guess as the middle fort isn't very well defended except for the lvl 10 Knight guarding the bridge.