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You want 50 mitresses to watch kill other creatures without challenge? This is perfect map for you.
When Clare Wykes is horny, she favors quantity over quality. She wants lots and lots of guys. This map is build right up against the creature limit, when I got my temple I wanted to get lots of imps to mine all my gems, but I couldn't build any. I had to go quickly through the map to kill some enemies to free up space, or I would not be able to mine enough gold to feed my reapers. Or mistresses to be more accurate, you find a torture room soon enough and the mistresses will not stop coming. Let an imp die to one of the countless traps and a new mistress will come through the portal. I once triggered a boulder trap and I just let it roll right over my lvl10 mistresses, what would I care. But I think the point of this map is to get lots of horned reapers, which you can since they can come from your portal, are found all over the map and most of the non-horny enemies are temple ingredients for reapers. But your army is so massive that I did not even bother capturing more units. When I had enough I used CTA to go right through the massive hero dungeon killing everything in my path without losing a single unit. It would have won me the map, but at the end was not the enemy heart but a destroy-walls spell needed to get there, so I had to wait for my imps to claim all the rooms in between. The only challenging bit of this map is fighting with its flaws.
One of those maps that give you gems and infinite time right off the bat. You'll end up with an unbeatable army of max level Mistresses in no time, and there's no twist or anything