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I'm ashamed, but I had to check the script to figure one thing out: how to get bridges.
This is not the usual DzjeeAr level, well not completely. You start in your own region and are not in danger unless you dig where you should not. That meaning the big central lava lake or the small fort connected to the right gold. The later is manageable unless you go there way too soon. The central lake is a death sentence if you don't have a good number of high level creatures. Opening your dungeon this way will attrack many lvl 10 fairies and dragons.
That being said, you're very gold starved and there is no way you can go take the central gems without a strong force. They are guarded by many lvl 10 heroes including samurais and wizards. So workshop economy for a good, long while.
To get the bridges, one has to activate two action points located at the aztec statues. The first one is near the gems surrounded by bridges, the second one is at the end of the open path leading south of the heroes' dungeon. Nothing tells you that or hints at this so, yeah. Once you've done that this is a regular DzjeeAr level with OP knights and buffed Avatars, except this time you can actually get some Knights of your own if you capture thieves. Enjoy the OPness.
The two enemy keepers shouldn't be any trouble, especially green who doesn't have an entrance. Both get dragons if you go inside the lava lairs. They are also allied to the heroes.
3/5 maybe? Hints would have been welcome for the bridges. Also, being stuck with workshop economy for so long isn't very fun.
EDIT: There's also a likely mistake. The training room inside white's fortress belongs to blue.