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A somewhat original DzjeeAr map, but not really.
The player has to face 3 enemy keepers on the other side of a lava river. They can't build bridges so you decide when and how to attack while the enemy keepers can't really retaliate. A "lord of the land" party spawns right at the beginning but all hero parties are stuck on the other side. Heroes are allied with the other keepers.
The player also has access to 2 full gems, so basically endless gold. Blue and yellow are rather weak, so they will provide lots of bodies for your prisons or graveyard. I went with a classic mistresses/dragons/biles/tons of vampires later expecting the usual DzjeeAz shenanigans. That didn't happen (very high level hero parties full of samurais and what not for those who don't know) except for the usual super-Knight + Avatar at the end, but by then they were no threat.
3/5 I guess, it's still enjoyable. 1/5 difficulty. "Careful" about the flies if you open your dungeon too soon, but they are still level 1 flies so who cares.