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This is probably one of DzjeeAr's first levels.
You have all the time in the world to build your forces and many, many gems to do so. You can even attract Hornies. And you start with 30 lvl 3 imps! By the time I went on the offensive I had 8 mistresses, 19 dragons, a few bile demons, 7 Hornies (3 created, 4 attracted) and two vampires.
Then, it was time to clear the outer ring of the fortress and then start invading the insides. There are many lvl 7 heroes which are no threat, but strong parties spawn when you trigger action points with the last library before going for the heart triggering a big invasion. Nothing really threatening considering the army I had plus the many vampires I got from slaughtering everything. Then there's one giant fight at the heart with the usual Avatars and OP Knights.
I found out after getting the reveal map special that there are many increase level specials in the corners of the map. Also, for people who don't know DzjeeAr, you should convert the thieves you find when entering white's outer ring.
2/5. Fun for the big fights, but the map is kind of ugly and there's not much going on.