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Interesting level, with an enemy blue Keeper that is in a dire situation.
The player has access to multiple gems and every rooms except the bridge and scavenging room so you should be in a good spot to do whatever you want. However, this being a DzjeeAr level, expect strong parties and the usual Knight-of-God at the end of the level. So even if you think you're OP, you might not be as strong as you think you are.
As said above, the enemy Keeper is in a pickle. He starts surrounded by the heroes and he is not allied with them. There is a strong force outside of reach for melee creatures that is guarding the rest of the "prison" but blue might never be able to overcome that, especially the Wizard. He'll throw low level creatures at him but between his rebound, gas immunity and lava barrier, it's a complete waste. So that Keeper will never grow to be a strong opponent.
3/5, typical DzjeeAr level. Also a forgotten reveal map at the start. Be careful of empty spaces in the beginning and bring everything you have for the final fight. The White Heart is not accessible until you find and trigger a statue (in blue's white prison-dungeon).