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Another DzjeeAr level where you'll probably die on your first attempt.
You find yourself with very limited ressources, but get a reveal map at the beginning which makes you able to collect an Avatar immediately. Both other keepers are aggressive and will come for you very soon, but the Avatar will be able to carry you especially since he trains so fast. However, they have a chance to get to the high level heroes north of your base while doing so, which can be a big problem if they breach your dungeon at the same time.
It won't help that defeating both keepers will trigger a big invasion of very high level heroes. What I did was rush blue, get rid of him and take his gems and when green attacked me, I used the Avatar to solo him and take all of his rooms, but kept the heart alive until I was ready to take on the hero parties. After that, it's one big fight after the other and they get predictible.
Now, this is your typical DzjeeAr map. A forgotten reveal map special that allows you to claim an avatar from the start, no prison, massive, massive battles and some ridiculously overpowered knights to defeat at the end. Mind you, this is no easy map, and if you don't mind the typical DzjeeAr shenanigans you could give it a try. There are two powerful keepers and they have access to all the gems. I 'lucked out' by having one of them dig into a powerful hero-pocket and basically getting defeated, which got me access to gems and the confidence to take out the second keeper, but this also led to me having to fight some big hero-attacks early on. Over the course of the game I lost my entire army 3 times I think.