Create your own maps and campaigns for KeeperFX and DK1 with Unearth.

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Bad Heroes

Created by DzjeeAr
Category Map
Rating 2 / 5 2 ratings
Difficulty 1.5 / 5 2 ratings
Original creation date 2002-01-04
Submission date 2023-06-01
Last updated 2023-06-01
Filesize 70.11KiB
Downloads 34
File Filesize Downloads Date 70.11KiB 34 2023-06-01

In this realm, keepers Goldilocks and Heuildazzuhr had been fighting for years. But neither was able to overcome the other, and so accepting this stalemate situation they agreed upon a retreat, with Goldilocks residing in the South and Heuildazzuhr in the North-West.

  • Creature Pool: Wizard, Barbarian, Archer, Monk, Dwarf, Knight, Avatar, Tunneller, Witch, Giant, Fairy, Thief, Samurai, Troll, Dragon, Demon Spawn, Fly, Dark Mistress, Warlock, Bile Demon, Beetle, Spider, Orc
  • Objects: Creatures: 73, Traps: 0, Doors: 6, Items: 151, Dungeon hearts: 3, Hero gates: 0, Special Boxes: 3
Installation Intructions

Read the Playing Custom Maps documentation page for information on how to play this map.


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Not much more to say about this map than Loobinex already has.

The fact that you control the heroes and can even attract an Avatar is the interesting part of this map. Other than that, it's frameskip and then 2 big battles to end the map. As long as you have a decent army you'll be fine.


This must be one of the earlier DzjeeAr maps, because it is unlike the other ones I played,.... a very basic map. What makes it stand out is that you play as the heroes, and you can't build a prison. All units have the regular stats but you can't train thieves into knights. There's no level objective, and there's nothing happening on the map. Simply build your dungeon, frameskip until your units are trained enough, find the area that gets you a bridge and kill both keepers one by one. The keepers are quite strong, but you should win this without any issues.