Create your own maps and campaigns for KeeperFX and DK1 with Unearth.

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Temple Deal

Created by Kix
Category Map
Rating 3.8 / 5 5 ratings
Difficulty 4.8 / 5 5 ratings
Original creation date 2018-05-26
Submission date 2023-06-01
Last updated 2023-06-10
Min. game version KeeperFX 0.4.9 Build 2762
Filesize 56.46KiB
Downloads 38
File Filesize Downloads Date 56.46KiB 38 2023-06-01

In this map you have to attack 3 sides while protecting your dungeon from all directions, (ab)use active and wealthy rival keeper while being quick.

  • Creature Pool: Hell Hound
  • Objects: Creatures: 138, Traps: 21, Doors: 38, Items: 737, Dungeon hearts: 4, Hero gates: 5, Special Boxes: 14
Installation Intructions

Read the Playing Custom Maps documentation page for information on how to play this map.


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chris_96449 🇩🇪 • Edited

I found this map to be very difficult and had to reload multiple times at different stages. Still, it kept me wanting to beat it and was quite fun. It should be mentioned that the creator of this map is also the one of the notorious Assmist Isles. I guess this says everything about the fact that this map might lean slightly towards a higher difficulty ;-).

This map puts constant pressure on the player throughout the entire game with the one or other stretch to catch one's breath after being punished by another wave of even stronger heroes. Gold is an issue in particular at the beginning of the game and despite the challenging battles the player has to face, I found it to be important to continue exploring and expanding in order to claim useful new rooms or creatures.

A good map with an interesting plot, fair but very challenging battles and no bugs. Recommended for advanced players who don't enjoy wall-in games ;-).