Create your own maps and campaigns for KeeperFX and DK1 with Unearth.

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Regicide (Version 3.2)

Submitted by matute88.
Category Map
Rating 3.83 / 5 6 ratings
Difficulty 2.2 / 5 5 ratings
Submission date 2024-11-14
Last updated 2024-12-06
Min. game version Latest KeeperFX alpha patch
Filesize 68.47KiB
Downloads 126
This workshop item uses unreleased KeeperFX functionality and requires the latest alpha patch to work correctly.
File Filesize Downloads Date
Regicide_V3.2.Z 68.47KiB 42 2024-12-06

This is my first map. It's a based on the final level of Dungeon Keeper 2 called Regicide. With some modifications to make it a little more challenging.

Avatar, Thief, Knight and Horny have custom stats and spells. They are very important to the map.

Explore with caution! Remember it's the "final stage" of DK2, enemies are strong.

Info Pop-ups are VERY important. Read them.

Positive criticism is very well received. If there is a typo, please let me know. English is not my main languaje. Hope you enjoy.

Version 2:

  • Added texts explaining there are "important creatures" that you need to take extra care.
  • Now, if some of the "important creatures" dies, you have around 25 seconds to resurrect it before you lose the game (there are severals Resurrect Creature boxes scattered in the map).
  • Castle's rooms are more different to avoid monotony.
  • Added a way to stop players from going straight to the castle, thus avoiding important parts of the map.

Version 3:

  • Added enemy parties coming to attack the dungeon until portal is captured.
  • Added Rebound perma-effect on "final boss battle" creatures to increase difficulty.
  • Lightning trap removed to increase difficulty.
  • Bridge removed from research. Now you have to earn it.

Version 3.1:

  • Fixed error that prevent you to get to the first prison.

Version 3.2:

  • Fixed error that allow enemy parties to never stop coming from the portal.
Installation Intructions

Just drop all the files in the folder "KeeperFX\levels\standard" or whatever folder you like. IMPORTANT: Tested with KeeperFX 1.2.0 and keeperfx-1_2_0_4261_Alpha-patch.


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ben_lp 🇩🇪 • Edited

Here is my conclusion: Unfortunately, I missed a bit at the beginning that enemy waves come. you could also make e.g. captureable portals from which heroes come over and over again in a loop until you have conquered them. (see e.g. map Battle of Ages) that would have kept me more on my toes at the beginning and given me something to do. Unfortunately I had to restart several times because I was defeated, the problem is that there were hero pockets everywhere. luckilly in my third try i found an Orc. then I tried to get the gem and all of a sudden there were a lot of enemies at level 10 who defeated me:( I didn't expect that. I did not have the eye of evil, why did you remove it? i dislike that you force me to save and load that much. In the end, however, the worst happens. I was very close to defeating the Avatar and suddenly I had lost.... why? Because my troll died. That was very disappointing. the Rooms in the castle felt a bit repetitive at the end :/ and it was a bit too much traps for my taste :) also the gold was too scarce at the end, i wish i would have had more gemsides at the end. You didn't say that you can't lose these creatures :( I assume that only Horny should be strong enough to defeat everyone, but you can still do it differently. i recorded my playthrough but i am not sure if it's worth to upload. if you wanna see it i might do it. i would definitely communicate that you lose as soon as troll dies or i would remove this condition at all.

matute88. 🇦🇷 Submitter

Ty for the feedback. I'll try to improve it. Maybe putting the orc inside the abandoned dungeon? On the other hand, when you find the troll, the pop up info says that he might be important, so you need to keep him alive; same for the bile demon and mistress. I'll see what I can change in the castle so is not too repetitive.

ben_lp 🇩🇪

i forgot to tell you that i really liked the map :) for your first map it's really well done. it felt like : i can watch out to have him alive but it's not a loosing condition. the same is for the bile demon and mistress? what if i go first into the castle and did not find the bile demon yet ? there are people that would be able to beat the endbosses without having the horny. so then you wouldn't lose aswell.

ben_lp 🇩🇪

i think you wanted to tell me: you need this troll and he is NOT allowed to die. i would have played differnetly then. also i did not know that horny and thief have changed configs at this moment. you could mention that the result of the receipe is stronger than usual

matute88. 🇦🇷 Submitter

Ok ben. All this is very useful coming from someone with yout expercience. I'll work on making things more clear. Ty ty!!

ben_lp 🇩🇪

can you join the keeperklan on discord ? it's much easier there to help

ben_lp 🇩🇪

we have a complete converted dk2 to dk1 campaign already, but we don't want to puplish it yet because there's still some code missing. (maybe we get a functional arena some day and some other stuff) i just want to tell this before somebody makes the effort for all dk2 maps.

matute88. 🇦🇷 Submitter • Edited

Cool. Can't wait to play it. I have no intention of making a full campaign. Just love the idea of a final boss battle map, and liked the dk2 final level. Thx for the heads up anyways. If you wanna use some things from my map, I'll be more than happy.

walter253 🇻🇨

should be standard folder and not personal folder

matute88. 🇦🇷 Submitter

Ok.. didn't know that. I'll change it.

walter253 🇻🇨

it's fine, personal is for people's own modifications, so people may have changed their own personal configs and so your map isn't balanced around their own changes, so best to put it on standard

matute88. 🇦🇷 Submitter

I understand. Thx Walter!