Create your own maps and campaigns for KeeperFX and DK1 with Unearth.

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Center Ring Skirmish

Submitted by Don_Fresh
Category Map
Rating 4.78 / 5 9 ratings
Difficulty 2.75 / 5 8 ratings
Submission date 2024-10-16
Last updated 2024-10-20
Min. game version KeeperFX 1.2.0
Filesize 113.42KiB
Downloads 110
File Filesize Downloads Date
Center Ring.7z 113.42KiB 53 2024-10-20
Center Ring.7z 113.35KiB 11 2024-10-18
Center Ring.7z 112.95KiB 16 2024-10-17
Center Ring.7z 112.56KiB 21 2024-10-16
Center 146.42KiB 7 2024-10-16

In this Map you Choose your Difficulty. You can have Allies or take it 1 v 7. Color is randomized and Allies are also randomized everytime you Startup!

UPDATE: Manage to give the complete Randomised experience now the player will spawn at random Location with Random Color!

UPDATE V2: Your Ally will tell you who he is. Players will get Imps after selection.

Installation Intructions

Unpack into your KFX directory


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Very fun, nice big map with pretty much everything enabled and chaos everywhere. Difficulty can be chosen at the beginning of the map so it depends on what you pick.

You get a random color and starting location each time you play, and can attract both evil creatures and heroes to make your dream army. Only the Avatar is missing for obvious reasons.

Rushing the center is a must as gold will be difficult to gather with a single faced gem in the security of your dungeon.


EDIT: I found two bugs. The first one is that a red imp spawned on my heart shortly after the beginning (after I chose which mod I wanted to play, which was 2v2v2v2). It happened again after I played another game. The second one is more gamebreaking. I picked 2v2v2v2, ended up as white and won the map instantly. The other Keepers were playing, but for some reason I triggered the victory condition just by ending up as white.

EDIT2: The "imp" bug is not specific to red after more testing. And it only procs on the right side of the map, top position. This time a green allied imp spawned here, at yellow's (AI) heart. Green was at the top part of the map, on the right next to yellow.

Crokydriver 🇧🇪 • Edited

Actually liked the map for a casual, not to much stress, game. But i'll admit, i didn't try all the options yet and i'll see now that there is a new version (I think i've downloaded it on release). I can imagine the 1vs7 option will be more of a stress and a higher difficulty. With the different options, I do think it is hard to rate the difficulty here in the workshop ;-).

With plenty gold available it wasn't that hard to build quite a large prison and have a huge army of skeletons and or converted creatures, and overwhelm the enemies one by one. I think i had around 80 creatures in total at some point before I understimated the white player a little, because he wasn't really attacking the others, so with lots of high level creatures he wiped lots of my skeletons out as i just rushed in with CTA xD. My bad of course ;-).

Don_Fresh 🇩🇪 Submitter

I'm glad u liked it! You should definitly update to the newest version cause i did many changes and now you get the full randomised spawnlocation experience.

Crokydriver 🇧🇪

For sure I'll download it, I just saw there was a new version by coming here for the review ;-)

Spatulade 🇰🇳

I had fun! It's nice to have a fun map where you just lay the smackdown on other Keepers. Helped me turn on my multiplayer mindset a bit. However, rushing to the centre and holding it pretty much guarantees your win through resources alone.

It's fun, but there are some things that could be done to tidy it up a bit. I like the options at the start (I think i chose 2v6 but even that seemed easy), and I like that it scrambled your player colour and position but I found that the path around the heart always ended up being a different colour. I'd see if you could fix that, and automatically spawn 4 imps at each player's heart. I don't know how easy it is without looking at your script, but a QUICK_MESSAGE from your ally saying something along the lines of "i'm your ally" could also be good! The creature pool is also quite a lot, but maybe that's because I usually just gun for Biles anyway haha.

But yeah, it was fun. Would be a fun multiplayer map one day.

Don_Fresh 🇩🇪 Submitter

Thanks for the feedback appreciate it! The Matching floor could be fixed very easy. The Imp spawn is on purpose cause the ai has the Orientation Advantage so they wont start early on the Human Player until he knows where hes at, but yeah could do it for everybody to make it even a bit harder and shorten AI spawn times.Creature Pool has EVERYTHING in it just for shits and giggles. An Ally that tells you hey im your ally i think is a good suggestion. Thanks for the Review!

walter253 🇻🇨


GlaswegianBR 🇬🇧 • Edited

Massive Weird Glitch Happens when you hover over the corner seams of gold in the centre. It's like the Flames of each keepers Dungeon Heart enlarge and take over the whole map and you can't see anything until you zoom back in (not sure in an FX or Map Glitch)

Also Sod knows why but hatcheries stopped spawning chickens after a while.

Other than that Free for All mode was for definite the fun choice here lol.