Create your own maps and campaigns for KeeperFX and DK1 with Unearth.

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Under Kagi Juuji Shrine

Submitted by Testo_Nheroses
Category Map
Rating 4.67 / 5 9 ratings
Difficulty 1.88 / 5 8 ratings
Submission date 2024-10-12
Filesize 49.55KiB
Downloads 89

This is a map I built sometime before the end of 2001 on my venerable Pentium II 350 using the original Bullfrog level editor. I rediscovered it on an old, old hard drive and thought it might be worth sharing.

Commentary and suggested improvements more than welcome.

Installation Intructions

Just unzip the contents of the zip archive into your \KeeperFX\levels\classic folder.


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Very nice simple level with a surprising ending. The map is on the easy side except maybe for the final fight.

5/5, refreshing.

cy40k 🇦🇷

very nice classic map. im so tired from newest maps and i havent time to research new mechanics and new creatures. sometimes i have 1-2 hours to play my favorite game and classic levels are the best for it. many thanks to the author.

Testo_Nheroses Submitter

Thank you for the kind words!

I don't think I ever shared this map before - most of the friends I played DK with in 1997 I'd lost contact with by the time I built the map, and I don't think I ever shard it online. I'm glad someone has enjoyed it after 20 years alone in the dungeon!

GlaswegianBR 🇬🇧

Bro is that a swastika in the middle LMAO

Testo_Nheroses Submitter

I'll probably adjust the layout if I ever release a v2.0. The spiral came about originally because it is slightly more disorienting than a straight crossroads, but there is probably more value in not being offensive than being mildly confusing, so I'm not wedded to the design.

GlaswegianBR 🇬🇧

Lol! I just found it funny not offensive. I finished the map and had fun with it, great design and Blue it a silly billy lol.

Loobinex Admin

spiral 😛

Testo_Nheroses Submitter

It's a kagi jūji (鉤十字) - literally a "hook cross" in Japanese. Hence the name of the level. I was living in Asia 20+ years ago when I made the map, and these things are on the temples and shrines all over the place.

cy40k 🇦🇷 • Edited

please dont remove it from the level. its looks very beautiful and useful for this level. if hitler prefered same sign it doesnt means you cant use it in your great level. it was discovered before his birthday a thouthand years ago. thanks.

Krizzie 🇳🇱

Very nice to see a truly classically made map!

I think the lower left area and lower middle area could use some more stuff, not much to do there.

Blue made a mess of his Dungeon but was quite a pest at the middle section.

I do think you should cut back on the bugs (As in Spider and Beetle), it is possible to create a huge Mistress (and Vampire) army which will run over everything on the map.

Testo_Nheroses Submitter

Thank you for the kind comments - I'll take them into account if I ever update this map. I released it "as-is" because I thought there is some merit in seeing what people were doing with vanilla DK mapmaking a couple of decades ago. The actions of Blue are interesting, as I think that I was working with the unpatched original UK release for playtesting, so I needed to do something to make the opposing keeper less of a walk-over without giving them a bunch of easily scavengable creatures early on that would make the imbalance even stronger. The solution I came up with was to give Blue a bunch of powerful creatures as soon as Red invades their dungeon, so game balance-wise I didn't have to rely on Blue training their creatures up (because that never happened with the original AI). I suppose that is all moot if Red can sacrifice a bunch of invertebrates to get powerful mistresses, though!

cy40k 🇦🇷 • Edited

i cant even understand what are you talking about if many powerfull creatures are available on the map. mistress, hornies, vampires. bile daemons and dragons are also available. 20 hornies and 20 mistress are invincible

Loobinex Admin

I took the liberty to update your listing, and removed the requirement of keeperfx 1.1.0, since people can play your map even on the original game I believe.

Testo_Nheroses Submitter

Much obliged! Thank you.