Create your own maps and campaigns for KeeperFX and DK1 with Unearth.

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QUICK to Pot to DAT

Submitted by Loobinex
Category Application
Rating 5 / 5 2 ratings
Submission date 2024-09-15
Last updated 2024-09-16
Filesize 551.50KiB
Downloads 8
File Filesize Downloads Date 551.50KiB 6 2024-09-16 551.40KiB 2 2024-09-15
  1. Takes a map with QUICK_OBJECTIVE and QUICK_INFORMATION messages, and updates it to use translatable strings. Generates .pot files
  2. Pauses to allow you to translate them if desired.
  3. Converts the .pot and .po files into map specific .dat file

The map is now multilingual

Installation Intructions

Extract it anywhere. See the readme.txt for instructions.


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