Create your own maps and campaigns for KeeperFX and DK1 with Unearth.

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Vampire's Nest+

Submitted by jebajlo
Category Map
Rating 2.67 / 5 3 ratings
Difficulty 1.33 / 5 3 ratings
Submission date 2024-04-15
Last updated 2024-11-02
Min. game version KeeperFX 1.1.0
Filesize 33.26KiB
Downloads 57
File Filesize Downloads Date 33.26KiB 11 2024-11-02

Thanks to your heroic imp, you’ve learned that your remote garrison has been taken over by mysterious creatures. Your soldiers have turned to the enemy's side. You must send your best knight to reclaim the garrison, and with the gathered army, march against the intruders. Remember to rescue your imp. Once you’ve regained control of the garrison, choose wisely who should be slain and who should be imprisoned. Good luck!


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jebajlo 🇵🇱 Submitter

I've made a lot of improvements; looking forward to your feedback :D

Yani 🇧🇪 Admin • Edited

I think the special characters in your comments are giving problems to some people. There's quite some errors in the keeperfx.log file.

The ; is not recognized as a remark in keeperfx script. Use REM for that.

So change:

REM -- Create a hero party to spawn
CREATE_PARTY(TENTACLE_PARTY)      ; Zmieniono nazw na unikaln dla pajków


REM Zmieniono nazwna unikaln dla pajków.
REM Pajk poziomu 4

I guess this needs some more work?

Vampires? I got one from the bugs that died in the prison but saw no other? What use are the prisons? Protect the Wizard, what Wizard? xD

jebajlo 🇵🇱 Submitter

Yes i see how have you avoid vampires, i reuload map.

jebajlo 🇵🇱 Submitter

To have wizard u need to sacrifice spider and fly.

But you don't need a Wizard to win.. :P

jebajlo 🇵🇱 Submitter

Yeah you can use vampires but you can finish game in different way

Well, that's was pretty easy. Just rush with the knight and kill 3 vampires lvl 4

jebajlo 🇵🇱 Submitter

:D Have you destroy dungeon heart?

Sure buddy

jebajlo 🇵🇱 Submitter

well.. i made new one. And I uploaded. Hopefully You will have more fun now :D