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Age of Grumble (6 Maps Pack)

Submitted by amolotkov
Category Map Pack
Rating 3.5 / 5 4 ratings
Difficulty 3 / 5 3 ratings
Submission date 2024-04-13
Last updated 2024-04-13
Filesize 449.62KiB
Downloads 144
File Filesize Downloads Date 449.62KiB 139 2024-04-13

These are classic DK-maps i've done some years ago and recently decided to publish here. I've fixed them a little and tested with KFX 100.3771 Alpha

Short maps desc:

  1. Cliffed Region: main challenge is shortage of space, and you have one imp only (but you play with "good creatures" and will get tunnellers)
  2. Bola's anniversary: it is just a map for a friend of mine as a BD-gift, because he is a fan of DK
  3. Spider Philosophy: a map where a main challenge is your patience, because you have to obsess a spider. You will understand how it is to be a spider! :D
  4. Super fly: This map might be a little bit challengin at start because of a little bit puzzle-like tasks. Obsess a fly, find an imp and find a way to improve you dungeon.
  5. Tower defence: One of my favorits. Like a name says waves of foe creatures grows gradually.
  6. Sorcerors conclave: Like in the Map 1 above you have not much space and plays with "good creatures".

Important! What is different to original game configuration:

  • redefined lair enemies (creatures fight more often in the lair)
  • redefined costs of rooms, training, spells and salary (more expensive and longer)
  • redefined "professional skills" of creatures. For example flies cant research because they are to stupid to be able to read. Etc. I did this "balance adjustments" because of my taste of balance, on the one hand i wanted play really decelerated, on the other hand i wanted to become the feeling of that difficulty i experienced as i saw the DK first time in 90's. I also "remastered" the OG-maps for this "balance adjustments" but will publish them maybe later.
Installation Intructions

Unzip into "levels", then in game under "single maps" choose the "Age of Grumble" and the map you want to play.


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chris_96449 🇩🇪

This map pack presents an interesting approach to tinkering with a few game mechanics to offer a new and fresh gameplay experience for veteran players. Above all, I highly appreciate the amount of work and energy dedicated to custom-made maps. As "just" a player with no map-making skills of my own, I cannot even begin to imagine the time such a project may require.

It saddens me to say that this map pack wasn't really compatible with the play style I usually enjoy the most. I never felt that DK needed to be much slower than its original pace. Often, the absence of frame skipping in a map served as an indicator of high quality for me. With this map pack, I feel that everything takes unnecessarily long—a fact further accentuated by the aspect that everything is much more expensive to build. I wonder if inflation has now reached DK too?

One thing I did like, though, was the refreshing and diverse map design of the six maps, the changes made to creatures and their behavior, and the amount of detail put into crafting the environment. I didn't encounter any bugs at all—only the rather lazy imps, perhaps, but Yani already addressed my comment on this.

Despite your map not aligning with my personal taste, I am very curious to see more of your work in the future

Thank you very much for your feedback! It is very interesting (and useful) for map-makers to know, what kind of different play-styles exist. It seems to be a quite important thing, because I know many players rather want a "faster" game-flow, but I personally don't really understand the root cause of such preference :D Is it like that you feels that you accomplished all of your possible dungeon tasks and are waiting for some events (research, training), but nothing happens, and then you have to frame skip?

chris_96449 🇩🇪

Hello there, dear map maker! I am currently playing your maps and before I will write an in-depth review of your maps, I would like to ask you if you can check your imp's "behaviour". I noticed that they seem quite lazy and don't properly finish claiming tiles. They always leave a few ones unclaimed, so I have to drop them again and again to have a full room claimed. Not sure if this was intended but I am used to more "intelligent" imps ;-).

Yani 🇧🇪 Admin

This is a common problem on maps that are too complex for the pathfinding. If that's the issue here then the only solution at the moment is to not make the map that complex.

I played recently the original campaign and faced in "Map 6" the same problem, because I indeed dug a long and complicated passages between dungeon heart and another locations.

chris_96449 🇩🇪

Thanks Yani. I guess not every imp can be like Joske...shame though.

PS. fixed timer in the "Bola's anniversary" and 2 shots (drain and lightning are way too mighty)