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Cock Fight Dungeon (0.6)

Submitted by ErminioLucente
Category Map
Rating 5 / 5 1 rating
Difficulty 5 / 5 1 rating
Submission date 2024-04-12
Last updated 2024-04-12
Min. game version KeeperFX 1.1.0
Filesize 786.25KiB
Downloads 44
File Filesize Downloads Date
Cock Fight Dungeon (0.6).zip 786.25KiB 39 2024-04-12

A chicken themed arena style level. Right now its very basic, the spells dont work just yet but i will update this once custom spells have been included to KeeperFX. For now just enjoy some chicken chaos. Level was designed purely to demonstrate the new chicken creature, a new custom trap/turret is also included.

New creature - (Not needed with this map)

Installation Intructions

Extract and paste in your Keeper FX folder (Overwrite files if prompt).

Start game, go to "Free play levels", select "Erminio Lucente" then Done!


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ErminioLucente 🇬🇧 Submitter • Edited

Since the latest update, this is totally broken. Will fix soon. (19/11/24)


-Added win condition

-increased chick imp health slightly.

-Temporally removed unusable spells and traps.

-Creatures shouldn't want for lairs anymore.

Once complete, this would make a cool Hidden Bonus level to a campaign

ben_lp 🇩🇪

first thing i told this dude