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Dark Angel

Submitted by ben_lp
Category Creature
Rating 4.33 / 5 6 ratings
Submission date 2024-02-10
Min. game version KeeperFX 1.1.0
Filesize 662.55KiB
Downloads 122
File Filesize Downloads Date 662.55KiB 122 2024-02-10

This is the Dark Angel

He can now summon skeletons at level 10. He joins you only for his own interests and amusement. tho he has not that much Health like a Horny he has a lot more strength to offer
He has a high attitude and could become angry if bored for too lomg (i take much longer than the horny)

Health: 1000 Strength: 125 Armour: 80 Dexterity: 140 Defence: 90 Luck: 12


Salary: very high

Primary Job : Train Secondary Job : Research

Attacks: Fist(lvl1) Moving Skeleton (lvl2) HAIL (lvl5) Armour (lvl9)

Attracted by : 5x5 Tiles Lair 5x5 temple 5x6 training

workshop skill : 2

research skill : 5

Installation Intructions

he has 2 new attacks so you need to add a shot and a spell and 2 instances in your files from your fxdata folder.

Add my instances to your creature.cfg
add my shot to your magic.cfg
add my spell to your magic.cfg (It needs to stay on number 31 to override, do not change it)
be sure to increase your count limit with both in the magic.cfg. (Summon_skeleton instance needs to be number 49 ! do not change it.) Go in your fxdata/creatures folder and add the "ANGEL" and "SUMMONED_SKELETON" into the creatures.cfg. Make sure you have the latest released version available of KeeperFX, it is also recommended to have the latest alpha patch.

Move Angel.cfg and summoned_skeleton.cfg into your mappack/campaigns/personal creatrs folder. Or into KeeperFX\creatrs folder.

Move All zips (/!\ do not extract it!) into your mappack/campaigns/personal rules folder. Or into KeeperFX\fxdata folder. Add the inside of my Object.cfg to your Objects.cfg with the right number in your fxdata folder


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Yani 🇧🇪 Admin

A m a z i n g 😍