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Updated version, configs fixed
updated, and hopefully working now
interesting layout. gonna play it now
my game crashed and the new creatures are not working. you need to add them in a seperate cfg folder.
not sure the best way to do that, so perhaps I will just change the new creatures to regular,,?
you could look into my upload "paradise". there you see the structure. there need to be crtr and a cfg folder. and a cfg.file which says where it should read from. do you have Discord ? i can help you with that all and we can upload it correctly.
that would be great! just joined the discord
ok, I will try to fix it... Thanks :)
First level.. so it may be a little rough.
there is much hidden away to be found here, and I also tried to implement a slightly different twist to the level as well.
still learning :) so I hope it is a bit of fun.